5 research outputs found

    Sustavan pregled mrežnih okruženja učenja u nastavi Matematike na sekundarnoj razini obrazovanja: stavovi, postignuća, izazovi i moguća rješenja

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    Web-based learning environments (WBLE) are widely adopted in the context of higher education. Comparatively, little is known about how they are used in high school mathematics curricula. Therefore, this systematic review investigates how WBLEs are applied in high school education and which outcomes this instructional approach has resulted in up to now. 14 related journal publications on high school WBLE are identified and analysed in terms of their WBLE activities, student achievement, attitude, and challenges encountered. The findings suggest that several activities are used in WBLE. WBLE application in high school mathematics education produced a neutral or positive effect on student achievement when compared to traditional classroom-based learning. Students’ attitudes toward WBLE approach are varied. WBLE implementation challenges are classified as student-associated, faculty-associated, and operational. We proposed seven possible solutions to address these challenges based on previous studies. Also, recommendations for future research are discussedMrežna okruženja za učenje (WBLE) široko su prihvaćena u kontekstu visokoga obrazovanja. S druge strane, malo se zna o tome kako se ona koriste u programima matematike u višim razredima osnovnih te u srednjim školama. Stoga se u ovome sustavnom pregledu istražuje kako se WBLE primjenjuje na sekundarnoj razini obrazovanja i koji su dosdašnji rezultati primjene ovog nastavnoga pristupa. Odabrano je 14 relevantnih časopisa o WBLE-u na sekundarnoj razini obrazovanja te analizirano u smislu njihovih WBLE aktivnosti, postignuća učenika, stavova i izazova s kojima se susreću. Rezultati pokazuju da se u WBLE-u koristi nekoliko aktivnosti. Primjena WBLE-a u matematičkom obrazovanju na srednjoškolskoj razini proizvela je neutralan ili pozitivan učinak na učenička postignuća u usporedbi s tradicionalnim učenjem u učionici. Stavovi učenika o WBLE pristupu su različiti. Izazovi primjene WBLE-a javljaju se na razini učenika, nastavnika i organizacije. Na temelju prethodnih studija predložili smo sedam mogućih rješenja kao odgovor na njih. Također, u raspravi dajemo preporuke za buduća istraživanj

    The Effects of the use of Microsoft Math Tool (Graphical Calculator) instruction on students’ performance in linear functions Philip Siaw Kissi1*, Opoku Gyabaah2 and Sampson Kwadwo Boateng3 1. Management Information System Department, Cyprus Internatio

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Microsoft Math Tool (graphical calculator) on students’ achievement in the linear function.  The study employed Quasi-experimental research design (Pre-test Post-test two group designs). A total of ninety-eight (98) students were selected for the study from two different Senior High Schools (SHS) in Accra, Ghana. The two schools were categorized as control group of forty-eight (48) students and experimental group of fifty (50) students. The analysis of data was done using independent t-test with alpha value (α) = 0.05. Pre-test assessment conducted at the beginning of the study shown no significant difference, t (95.720) = -0.441, p = 0.660 between the control and experimental groups. This indicated that the two groups were homogeneous. The experimental group received teaching instruction using the graphical calculator while traditional lecture method was used to teach the control group by the same instructor. Results revealed that there was significant differences, t (96.000) = -6.984, p = 0.00 in students’ performance between control and experimental. This suggested that mathematics teachers and curriculum or textbook developers should introduce the use of the graphical calculator to improve students’ performance in mathematics education, particularly linear and quadratic functions. Keywords: Linear function, graphical calculator, technology, theory, mathematics

    Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Students’ Achievement in Chemistry

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    The study investigated the effect of problem-based learning on students’ achievement in chemistry.   Learners’ low achievement in Science in South Africa has been a concern to government, stakeholders, school principals and parents over the years as a result of poor teaching techniques, students’ attitudes, lack of teaching and learning materials, teachers’ pedagogical skills etc. Several studies, for instance Monitoring Learner Achievement (MLA) project conducted by UNESCO and UNICEF have shown no improvement in the performance of South African students in Mathematics and Science. Quasi-experimental design was employed for the study. 101 equivalent students were selected for the study using pre-test. The control group was taught with the traditional lecture method whiles the experimental group received instruction with PBL. Independent T-test was used for the analysis. Results showed that there was significant difference (p < 0.05) in chemistry achievement of students between control and the experimental group while there was no significant differences in the before the study. The results show that PBL is an effective way for to teach chemistry so as to improve students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills. Keywords: Chemistry, Problem-Based Learning, Critical thinking, Traditional lecture, Achievement


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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education is considered as a subject not a programme in Ghanaian Senior High Schools (SHS) curriculum. However, the performance of students offering ICT related programmes in Higher Education is abysmal. Therefore, this study investigated the teachers concerns about making ICT as a programme in Ghanaian Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum. 320 teachers in SHSs in Ghana were used for the study. The study employed a cross-sectional survey approach to investigate the concerns of the teachers. Descriptive statistics and independent sample t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test were conducted on the responded survey data. The ICT teachers reported that ICT knowledge is relevant for students in SHS (mean = 3.909, SD = 1.093), the students would have several job opportunities (mean = 3.888, SD = 1.215), and should be made a programme in the SHS curriculum in Ghana (mean = 3.963, SD = 1.105). Also, there was is a statistically significant difference (t (318) = –1.022, p = 0.00 < 0.05) between the concerns of female and male teachers on concerns of making ICT as a course in SHS curriculum. Additionally, perceived relevant knowledge of ICT and job opportunity would significantly, F = 138.634 and p = 0.000(< 0.05) influence the making ICT as a programme in SHS curriculum. The findings draw implications for the Ministry of Education and SHS curriculum planners in updating curriculum to prepare SHS students with the essential ICT knowledge and skills higher education and future employment